Carole, you, Peter Jukes, and a few others like you are the only reason I still have hopes for the future of journalism in this country. Never mind elsewhere. And I too would balk at the idea of giving up on msm ever finding its way back to the more solid ground of ethics, responsibility and speaking truth (especially to power) that used to be considered the foundation of 'proper' journalism but, like you, I'm starting to wonder.... Where you've found the strength, I know not. But I'm bloody glad you've kept going!

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Thanks Jackie. I haven't given up on mainstream media. We still desperately need it. But, loss of trust in all organisations and institutions is snowballing and the kind of behaviour coming from the Guardian is a lot of the reason why: no transparency, no accountability, no connection to its readers, a loss of trust with its jouurnalists...thanks so much for the note.

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Two comments below with which I concur. So depressing about the guardian/observer. I haven’t yet cancelled but am tempted. However, I am a member of The Mill in Manchester and I feel hopeful at least about local journalism and subscriber funded things like this, so keep going. Hope 2025 is a better year for the world.

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I've just subscribed after recently cancelling my support for the Guardian. It's scary stuff and I did feel that I was getting independent reporting from that paper. Not so sure now. It's all very depressing but I think I need to be aware of what is going on. If lots of Guardian supporters cancel their subs, I will at least feel that I've made a difference. I've also signed up to the pod.

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I unsubscribed from the Guardian too and am using money saved to subscribe to journalists on here and things like Kickstarter campaigns for investigative reporting. Don’t know if it can possibly make a difference but at least feel I’m doing something.

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The Guardian and Observer were the only papers I trusted. Sadly I’m wavering at the moment. There are quality journalists including yourself who I have trusted for a while so thankfully I can still access their work. Thank you for your dedication to the truth and having listened to the first two episodes of Sergei …. It’s brilliant and so informative. Thank goodness for you, Peter Jukes and By-line Times!

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Combine Navalny's anti-corruption investigative legal approach with Bandy Lee & Conway's "duty to warn" psychiatric/psychopathology disclosures, both of which could've prevented the current reality meltdown in USA, if allowed to proceed in Russia, USA & the rest of the world. Keep emphasizing to the pundits & activists: the underlying problem is criminal psychopaths have hijacked the world order, intentionally preventing any progressive change to protect their corruption. As you point out, all of these ultra-wealthy monsters are now connected & Musk represents a new permutation of power-hungry malignancy, out-amplifying everyone else & overiding conventional laws & safeguards (while building an AI robot army, brain implants & satellite Skynet).

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


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Just subscribed Carole and Happy New Year! Thanks for keeping us all up to date with the shady shit going on in the higher corridors of power. Feel quite depressed about the Guardian / Scott Trust selling the Observer to their mates - nepotism is everywhere these days and no one feels shame any more about being dodgy. Anyhoo - here's to, hopefully, a not nihilistic new year x

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Thank you! That's v kind. Yes, we're all pretty depressed about that. Just hope that from despair can come something positive and constructive. That's actually how I feel about the Sergei podcast at the moment so you never know...

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I’d argue Anne is also helping out the ‘bad guys’. From Episode 223 of Citations Needed: [Applebaum] “fretting about the need to save some abstract notion of democracy from geopolitical Bad Guys while remaining silent as the US funds, arms and backs the most authoritarian process imaginable — the immiseration and destruction of an entire people — specifically in Gaza.”

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The sale of the Observer to a loss making company (losses 63% of turnover) is bizarre. There must be more to it. I read the Grauniad online but I do not donate to them because I lost trust in their objectivity years ago. The best that can be said is that they offer a more balanced view than most of the rest, but they follow the same neoliberal framing and skew that all our media does. Even you, Carole, sadly. You start from a position where we in the West are the good guys, when history shows that for most of humanity we are the ones that have attacked, invaded, expolited oppressed, manipulated and corrupted them. You mention Russia, China, Venezuela and Iran as linked autocracies, but there are many more autocracies that are 'linked' to us and the USA with "political and financial technological alliances". The majority of death, destruction and devastation on this planet has its origins in the actions and ambitions of Western Europe and the USA. Truth telling requires that these facts are not skirted around or skated over. Its convenient to blame everything on Russia, but the Russia that exists today is at least in part a result of American ideologues who unleashed extreme neoliberal dogma and created a kleptocratic monster. We need to be honest about how much our way of life is built on the misery and exploitation of others. If they are returning the favour, we should not be surprised.

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I’m reading this & comparing notes with what others on this platform & elsewhere are saying. There is a consistency spreading across a broad base of independent observers from around the world.

These tend to indicate that, as I have always believed, Carole knows what she is saying & how brave she is to continue doing so. This latest post from Carole should lead you to others, some you may have heard of & respect & others who may interest you.

There are several people like Carole who have the interests of people & democracy at heart. Please take time to listen to them.

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Another informative newsletter, Thank you. I have requested our local theatre show 2073. Fingers crossed they do.

You are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the amazing work you do and above all keep strong Carole.

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New member here. Very much appreciate your work and wish you the best for this venture.

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Thank you. Really appreciative of anyone signing up. It's a pretty experimental venture but hopefully will be able to figure it out as it goes (fingers crossed!)

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Samantha Morton. Brilliant actress and all round wonderful female.

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A friend calls the period between Xmas and New Year "the Merrineum"!

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Britain has a significant portion of the world’s tax havens. This would likely be Elon Musk’s biggest interest, aside from the ease with which the UK could be destabilised.. his interest in the pocket sized rabbit punching, child defaming, alleged coke addict Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka TinyTears Tommy, might be that every authoritarian leader tends to have violence in mind & he needs a pet thug of his own political persuasion.. one with no moral compass or limitations on using fear as a tool.

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Adding the podcast now!!

I've been a Guardian subscriber for a number of years now and I'm genuinely baffled by the sale of The Observer. What was broken that needed fixing by selling it?

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I’m sure that in the sales contract there would have been a clause whereby the title would revert back to the Scott trust if tortoise media went out of business within some reasonable period, say 233 years? Wouldn’t there…surely…😢?

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